Coaches registration requirements

In the fall of 2019 all coaches now must register with Mass Youth Soccer and go through the verification process of background check, CORI check, take a Concussion Awareness module class, and Child Abuse Awareness training module.  This must be done to step onto the practice field with our players.

The Massachusetts Youth Soccer CORI process started in the  Fall of 2011, and all coaches will need to go through the new process.

Starting Fall 2013, all coaches are also required to wear photo passcards on lanyards.

Get familiar with the Health and Safety information on our website, to ensure your players are well cared for.

Expectations of our Coaches

  • Foster a love of the game
  • Promote good sportsmanship
  • Treat all players with respect
  • Play all players at least 50% of the time
  • Provide the opportunity for players to develop skills at all positions
  • Provide your team with the best opportunity to succeed
  • Teach players the how to win and lose gracefully
  • Provide all players with the opportunity to start in a game
  • Emphasize team development
  • Lead by example
  • Evaluate players each and every season and place them appropriately based on their abilities
  • Respect and support the referee
  • Be good ambassadors for the towns of Ashburnham and Westminster and the Outlaws Organization
  • Communicate effectively and regularly with parents


At the start of the season, coaches will need to fill out and submit a Coaches Pledge Form


 For EACH game:

  •      Arrive to the playing field 45 minutes before the start time, to allow ample time to check in players/greet opposing coaches/allow adequate warmup time for the players
  • ***Field Set up and Break down! All Grade34 coaches should arrive to home games at least 45 minutes prior to the start of the game to set up the fields! All other coaches should help with set up for their games and the game after them. We DO NOT let the players move the goals!!! Only coaches and/or parents are allowed to move goals. The team with the last game of the day is responsible for breaking down the field. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.
  • Present the Ref cards(filled out) to the head ref before the start of all your home games, along with (1) copy of your official roster.  Away games you only need to submit the roster sheet.
  • Changes to the rosters can only be done through the registrar.


You can also fill out a Referee Evaluation at the NVYSL website.


If you need to reschedule a game for any reason:

  • discuss a possible make-up date with the other teams coach
  • contact the Presidentt; hey will notify the league and get approval for the new date and work with Referee Director to secure a field and Referees. Without league approval, the game cannot be played.


Equipment: at the start of each season, our Equipment Manager will issue any player uniforms needed as well as setting up each time with an adequate supply of practice and game balls, and a medical kit.


We thank the Outlaws Coaches for all you do for the kids in Ashburnham and Westminster!